Talk On Code Of Conduct
CDE Programs

CDE Programs

Talk On Code Of Conduct

  • Date of Event: 27-09-2019
  • Event Venue: College Auditorium

At a Code of Conduct Talk for undergraduate, postgraduate, and faculty members on September 27, 2019, in the college auditorium, the Ethical Committee aimed to encourage a better comprehension and observance of ethical norms and guidelines in the professional domain, especially in the area of technology and coding. The event's primary focus was on the importance, principles, and actual application of codes of conduct in various professional settings. In her initial lecture, Dr. Anila S, the chair of the department of periodontics, outlined the concept and significance of a code of conduct. The fundamental principles of a successful code of conduct, such as responsibility, openness, honesty, and decency, were also discussed. She discussed the importance of communicative skills and learning the language to cope up with the patients.Language and communication are the greatest barrier in this field. Using modest and proper communicative will help in easy diagnosis and treatment planning. These concepts were described along with how they relate to real-world scenarios. Through the event-encouraged participation discussions, participants were invited to share their opinions, experiences, and insights about the application of the code of conduct and issues in diverse professional settings. This interactive feature encouraged peer learning and knowledge exchange.

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