St. Gregorios Dental College career guidance and placement cell policy intends to set up a direct system for the students especially the interns as well as alumni of St. Gregorios dental college to excel in placement both nationally and internationally. It also defines the role and responsibility of the interns/students taking part in the internships and placements process.

This policy encompasses student registration for internship/ placement assistance as well as identification of collaboration between students and hospitals/Dental clinics /various Dental colleges in the context of internship and / or placement processes.


  • To contact and welcome Private Practitioners/Colleges/Hospitals/Foreign universities for placement and internships.
  • To maintain a contact list of nominated faculty/staff members and students associated with the placement and internship matters.
  • To aid the students and alumni for recognizing their role in recommending towards International Universities.
  • To have regular reviews and to ensure it is documented and intermittently updated as per requirements.
  • To ensure proper correspondence between different parties engaged in student placements and internships activities. To seek help from already placed alumni in International Universities.
  • To conduct classes for interns and students of St. Gregorios Dental College for preparation of national and state level post-graduation qualifying examinations.


  • Provide career counselling and career development sessions for Final and Internship BDS students.
  • Assist students by giving training from successful Alumni members.
  • Develop career services programs that will help students in exploring and planning career options.
  • Work with students on their needs for career development.
  • Conduct trainings, workshops, lectures, presentations, and other events to develop career planning and employability skills for students.
  • Develop positive working relationships with faculty, administrative staff, and co-workers to achieve desired goals.
  • Work with alumni members who have put up successful clinics.
  • Coordinate with academic advisers to help students in making career choices based on their academic majors.
  • Research and analyze current employment trends in various industries.
  • Maintain regular contact with potential employers for new job opportunities.
  • Educate students on resume building, interview skills, and professionalism.
  • Conduct mock interviews and job search workshops for students.
  • Conduct career awareness events for students.
  • Execute outreach programs to promote career services among students.
  • Maintain a database of student academic and employment records.