The St. Gregorios Dental College is committed to maintaining a professional and ethical  environment that fosters excellence in dental education and practice. This code of conduct  outlines the expectations and standards of behaviour for all members of our college community,  including principal, staff, students and clinics.

  1. Code of conduct for principal
  2. Code of conduct for staff
  3. Code of conduct for students
  4. Code of conduct in clinics

Code of conduct for principal

Principal as the Head of Institute is solely responsible for addressing and resolving all issues  and provide leadership, direction and co-ordination within the Institute and the stakeholders.  Rules and responsibilities of the principal includes,

  • Principal shall supervise the maintenance of discipline of the Institute.
  • Shall guide and monitor the administration of all academic programs and general administration of the Institute.
  • Supervision of all curricular and extracurricular activities and student's welfare activates  of the Institute.
  • Formation of various college committees which are necessary for the development of the Institute.
  • Introduce long-term and short-term development plans of the Institute to the  management.
  • Implementation of the Act, Statutes, Ordinance, Regulation, Rules and other Orders  issued in the college by the University authorities and Governing bodies.
  • Overall supervision of the University Examinations.
  • Maintenance of student’s feedback reports and self-assessment reports of teacher. • Formulation of policies along with governing body, college council and IQAC.

Code of conduct for staff

The code of conduct for staff normally addresses the matters related to teaching, learning, evaluation, research and relationship with the students, associated staff, management, parents  and patients.

  • All the staff Members should follow the rules and regulations of the Institution. • Contribute to the vision and mission of Institute through engagement of working hours.
  • Work in cooperation and collaborative with others through academic and administrative  activities to achieve Institutional goals.
  • Punctual, sincere and regular in their approach and devote their best for the progress of  the Institute.
  • All staff should co-operate with functions relating to the educational responsibilities of the Institute and the university such as assisting applications for admission, advising and  counseling students as well as assisting the conduct of university.
  • Faculties perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorial, practical, seminar, research, evaluation and patient care conscientiously and with dedication.
  • Teaching staff should assist in Institute and University examinations, including  supervision, invigilation and evaluation.
  • Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including community  service and patient care.
  • The teaching staff should involve themselves in demonstration models, charts and  innovative methods of teaching for better and improved interaction with students.
  • The work plan of teaching staff should ensure the attainment of targets assigned to them  by the Department/ Institution.
  • Staff must attend all functions of the college as per the instructions of coordinators and Head of the respective departments.
  • No partiality to any staff / individual student.
  • Staff should be mentors and provide special attention to slow learner students.
  • All staffs of the Institute are responsible for protecting and taking reasonable steps to prevent misuse or damage to Institute assets.

Code of conduct for students

  • The student must strictly follow the disciplinary rules and regulations of the Institution.
  • The student should follow the academic calendar and the curriculum prescribed by the university.
  • Students are prohibited from indulging in anti-institutional, anti-national, antisocial, communal, immoral or political expressions and activities within the Campus and hostels.
  • Any act of indiscipline or misbehavior by any student will attract severe punishment.
  • All Educational tours or Industrial visits shall be accompanied by the faculty members after obtaining necessary undertaking from the Parents, Guardian of the students’ and with the written consent of the Head of the Institution.
  • Any case of criminal activity or violation of law and order in the College Campus will be reported to the police.
  • Be attentive, fair and cooperative to teachers and peers on various academic and non academic activities.
  • The internal assessment examinations in theory and practical/ clinical will be held twice in a particular year followed by a model examination in the pattern of university examination.
  • Student should have attendance of 80% in theory and 80% in Practical/ clinical in each  subject including medical leave and 40% mark in internal examination to appear for  University examination.
  • If the student is found irregular in attendance, disciplinary action will be taken.
  • Condonation for 10% in the attendance will be allowed only once in the entire course period, granted by the Principal upon a formal, evidenced based application from the candidate.
  • Damage to Institute and campus property due to negligence/lack of care would attract punishment and compensation for loss caused.
  • Action will be taken against students indulging and ragging as per the directions of  Hon’ble Supreme court of India. It will cause cancellation of admission and also debarred from taking admission in any institution in India.
  • No student is permitted to run a clinic or work in a clinic / hospital / laboratory and shall  not engage in private practice during the tenure of the course.

Code of conduct in clinics

  • The staff and students must at all times behave in an honorable and responsible manner  and observe the ethical standards of registered Dental Code of Ethics, both in their  relations with patients they encounter in clinical practice.
  • In treating patients or carrying out practical work in class with fellow students, they must  act with all reasonable care and under the direction of a clinical staff.
  • Students must observe confidentiality with regard to information concerning patients and  fellow students, which is available to them through practice or observation at the College clinic.
  • Undergraduate students may not give advice to patients or suggest medications or patent  herbal remedies without appropriate supervision.
  • The student must always take steps to alleviate patient symptoms and distress, whether or not a cure is possible.
  • Obtaining informed consent or other valid authority before undertaking any examination,  investigation or provide treatment (except in an emergency), or before involving patients  in teaching or research is a must.
  • In the case of a serious incident or three instances of negative feedback the Student Disciplinary Procedure would be invoked.
  • Ensure excellent treatment and quality assurance in patient care at all times and not get  involved into any unethical acts or practices and keep patient autonomy and confidentiality.