The St. Gregorios Dental College strictly abides by the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, which prohibits discrimination against individuals with physical and mental disabilities. The college is committed to promoting a diverse, inclusive, and accessible environment for all members of the college community. This policy aims to ensure the full participation, rights, and inclusion of persons with disabilities.
Objectives and Procedures
Equal Opportunity
- St. Gregorios Dental College ensures equal opportunity for admission, enrolment, and participation in all programs, courses, and activities for persons with disabilities.
- Reasonable accommodations, adjustments, and support services will be provided to enable persons with disabilities to fully engage in academic and non-academic activities, without discrimination.
- The college will strive to make physical facilities, classrooms, laboratories, clinics, and common areas accessible to persons with disabilities.
- Accessibility features, such as ramps, elevators, accessible parking, and designated restrooms, will be provided to ensure barrier-free access.
- Information and communication materials, including websites, digital content, and printed materials, will be made accessible in formats suitable for individuals with visual, hearing, or cognitive impairments.
Accommodations and Support Services
- Students with disabilities are encouraged to disclose their disability to the appropriate college authorities and request reasonable accommodations and support services.
- Reasonable accommodations may include but are not limited to extended time for exams, assistive technology, note-taking support, sign language interpretation, or alternative formats for educational materials.
- The college will work closely with the students to assess their individual needs and provide appropriate accommodations and support services within the available resources and in compliance with legal requirements.
Sensitization and Awareness
- Sensitization programs will be conducted to raise awareness among students, faculty, and staff about disabilities, inclusivity, and best practices for interacting with persons with disabilities.
- Training and workshops will be provided to faculty and staff to ensure they have the knowledge and skills necessary to support students with disabilities effectively.
Grievance Mechanism
- A clear and accessible grievance mechanism will be established to address any complaints or concerns related to the implementation of this policy.
- Students with disabilities who feel their rights or needs are not being adequately addressed can submit a formal complaint or appeal, which will be handled in a timely and confidential manner.
- The college will take appropriate action to resolve grievances and ensure compliance with this policy.
Review and Improvement
- This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with emerging best practices and legal requirements.
- Feedback from students, faculty, staff, and disability advocacy organizations will be sought and considered during the policy review process.