The implementation of e-governance in St. Gregorios Dental College will improve the  productivity of the college through simplification and digitization of the various processes  across various functions. This College implemented e-governance in all aspects of functioning  like admissions, administration, academics, library, patient management, website,  examination, ICT infrastructure and e- waste management.


  • To reduce the usage of paper in administration of the institution.
  • To ensure transparency and accountability.
  • To facilitate easy access to the information and to maintain the data on a secure  environment.
  • To implement automation in library facility.
  • To making the institution visible to the stakeholders by the use of website and social media.
  • To Providing speedy response to students, teachers and parents for their queries or  problems.

Implementation and up-gradation

  • Student Admissions

The College follows a transparent and open admission process which is further  strengthened by the ethical practices and regulations. The College brochure which is displayed  on the website that has guidelines for the admission process. An Admission Portal to be used  to manage the admissions in the college. Students are required to submit a separate online  application form for taking admission to the college.

  • College Administration

Administration of the College made paperless by installing ICT enabled systems with  licensed software. Administrative Staff to be provided with adequate training and development  to keep them enriched with the new technology. Administrative office has advanced Excel and  File Management System Tools to keep effective database. Implementation of biometric  punching system for staff and intern students to make automatic recording of attendance for  future verification.

  • Academics

Academic Management Software to be used by administrative staff and teaching faculty to  record and track student’s attendance, internal assessment, etc. Monthly and yearly reports  should be generated to automatically calculate total attendance percentage. Introducing mobile  app for students will ensure anytime availability of study materials and teachers can easily  assess the performances. The college shall ensure that all the faculty members and non-teaching  staff are participated special ICT training programs for their continuous growth. The college  shall also ensure that all the students are sufficiently skilled to enable them to benefit from ICT  enabled systems installed in the college. All the classrooms, conference rooms and the seminar  rooms shall be furnished with ICT-enabled projectors and screens. CCTV- cameras shall be  installed and maintained at all strategic locations to ensure proper surveillance.

  • Library management

The College is continuously maintaining a well-stocked library with e-learning resources  for the benefit of the teachers and the academic excellence of students. The College should  continue to subscribe new journals and purchase or update books on yearly basis. The Library  to install fully automated EBSCO software which should have an easy access to e-journals.  The use of Online Public Access Catalogue module of the KOHA software to allow library  database searching by entering preferred terms for information retrieval. Open source  repository application like D space should be installed to capture, store, preserve and distribute  digital material including text, video, audio and data. E-library memberships in the College  will enhance and update the knowledge staff, that will influence the quality of students. Library  should provide access to plagiarism software and conduct workshops to improve the writing  skill of staff and students to encourage publications in indexed journals. Proper library  utilization can be monitored by biometric attendance.

  • Patient management

Implementation of clinical software will efficiently manage patient’s database. Recording of  patient’s appointments, consultation, treatment and billing can be make fast and paperless.

  • Website

The website will act as an information centre of the College like all its activities, important  notices, courses offered, etc to all the stakeholders and public. Training will be given to the  administrative and teaching staff to make important updates on the website. A Website  updation committee to be formed for the maintenance and timely updating of the College  website.

  • ICT infrastructure

The College should ensure adequate number of desktops and printers for students and staff.  Projectors and other multimedia devices to be provided in the auditorium, classrooms, seminar rooms and laboratories. The infrastructure to be interconnected by computer networking devices, scanners and smart board etc. Office automation packages for desktops like Softwares, Open Office, MS Office and Antivirus to be purchased and updated regularly. The institute shall organise trainings for different categories of users for using the e-governance system.