The exam cell at St Gregorios Dental College is formed by the institutional academic committee for the timely conduct of all xaminations with optimum transparency, uniformity and accuracy


  • Scheduling and conducting internal exams in systematic and timely manner
  • Assigning invigilators and exam room preparation for examinations
  • Assessing and coordinating with the UG and PG coordinators for paper setting, correction of papers and publishing of results in a timely manner
  • Scheduling and conducting practical and clinical exams with UG and PG coordinators
  • Maintaining a record of examination results and instructing the office for timely intimation of results to the parents
  • Scheduling improvement exams
  • Preparing students to adhere to examination rules and ethics and to discourage and prevent any unwanted behavior during exams to ensure transparency and discipline
  • Informing KUHS university exam details and circulars to all concerned and directing the departments to submit the details to be submitted to University in advance
  • To modify the format of answer sheets as and when required
  • To keep head of institution informed regarding all exam proceedings


  • Three internal exams will be conducted each year and schedule will be released at the start of academics.
  • Invigilators for University exam will be intimated prior and will be reminded two days before the exam.
  • Coordinating with the office for the stay and transportation of external examiners for University practical exams will be done for the smooth conduct of exams.
  • The heads of each department shall send the respective question paper of internal exam to the exam cell mail id 2 days prior to the exam.
  • Each department should publish the marks within 14 days after the exams.
  • Result of each student should be intimated to the parent through e mail.