Examination reforms in St. Gregorios Dental College are made to understand the procedures of monthly tests, internal and external examinations for the students and staff. These reforms will enhance the effectiveness, fairness, and relevance of examinations.
Internal Examination Reforms
- The institution conducts three internal assessment exams for theory and practical for each batch of students. Every three months, the academic portions are completed as term plans, and students are assessed with internal exams.
- Tentative dates of all internal exams in an academic year are published in the academic calendar at the start of each academic year. The Examination Cell will publish an examination timetable based on the academic calendar, which will be distributed to all the departments, student notice boards, and the website, so that the faculties and students can be prepared in advance.
- In all the internal examinations, the question paper and answer sheet pattern are similar to the University examination. Answer sheets should be evaluated in time, and the marks are published within 14 days. The students should also be assessed on a regular basis through monthly tests, Viva Voce, and clinical work on patients.
- The internal marks are submitted to the principal and uploaded to the software.
University Examination Reforms
- The tentative University exams of BDS and MDS will be published on the website at the beginning of each academic year, which will help the faculties prepare the teaching schedule and academic calendar.
- The University exams are scheduled twice in an academic year.
- The updated instructions for students, invigilators, observers, internal vigilance officers, and the chief superintendent will be available on the University website.
- Examinations are conducted in the college, and the video recordings are submitted to the University on the same day along with the answer booklets.
- The examination hall is provided with a computer and printer to download the question paper sent by the University during the examination time. The college will take the printout of the question papers and distribute them to the students.
- The University will send an observer for theory exams and assess the reports of the observer to evaluate the process of the exam and to ensure that the exam is conducted without any malpractice.
- The University will arrange external examiners for conducting practical exams as per University guidelines.
- The digital valuation room in the college facilitates a sufficient number of computers, and the University will monitor the process online with CCTV cameras.
- The University will announce the results on the University website within one month after the completion of digital valuation in all the colleges.