Midcourse improvement policy is implemented at St. Gregorios Dental College teaching methodology that helps students to produce maximum academic outcome by continuous monitoring of the student’s performance. The midcourse evaluation and improvement system consist of:

  1. Administration of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)
  2. Identification of slow learners
  3. Remedial Support
  4. Documentation and Progress Evaluation


 Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE)

 The institution conducts three internal assessment exams for theory and practical for each batch of students. In every three months the academic portions are completed as term plans and students are assessed with internal exams. Tentative dates of all internal exams in an academic year are published in the academic calendar at the start of each academic year. The Examination Cell will publish an Examination time table based on the academic calendar, which will be distributed to all the departments, students notice board and website, so that the faculties and students can be prepared in advance. All the internal examinations should be conducted in the pattern similar to University examination. Answer sheets should be evaluated in time and the marks are published within 10 working days. The students should also be assessed on regular basis through Viva Voce and clinical work on patients.


Identification of slow learners

 The students scored lower 20% marks in first internal examination in theory and practical is identified as slow learners. Factors such as attendance and clinical skills may be considered in this assessment.


Remedial Support
  • A teacher may be assigned to the slow learners group.
  • Individual information be collected and assess his/her background including their varying needs.
  • Follow individual learning plan as individual’s capability varies.
  • Assess the attitude and continuously monitor academic progress.
  • Arrange additional tutoring in groups or individually.
  • Provide more simplified and condensed study materials.
  • Make a rapport with the mentor and other subject teachers and monitor his/her performance.
  • Establish a healthy relationship with the parents of the students and work as a team.
  • Connect with the college level Academic Performance Monitoring Cells.
  • Encourage Peer learning.
  • If necessary, recommend counselling.

 Documentation and Progress Evaluation

 Maintain documentation of students performances in all the remedial measures. Follow up periodically with students progress by monthly tests, retests and viva. Answer sheets will be evaluated by the same faculty for the same question without any bias. Marks will be published to students within 7 working days. Constructive feedback on improvement of answers to students on the performance in the examinations during distribution of papers.