To become warp and woof to create compassionate empathetic dental professionals.


  • To generate a strong knowledge in basic medical science
  • To build up their future by integrating interdisciplinary teaching learning methods
  • To develop a genre of novel professionals with social commitment and medical ethics
  • To motivate research aptitude by implementing skill based programs


Anatomy deals with the structural organization of the human body; it is the foundation of medicine. Hence, a sound knowledge of anatomy is necessary for dental students.

The Anatomy Department was established simultaneously with St. Gregorios Dental College in 2005. The department has an experienced and hardworking faculty and well-trained support staff. Teaching is peer-reviewed and conducted in a blended mode, including small and large groups, both online and offline.

The department features a spacious, well-ventilated dissection hall, where cadavers and prosected parts are available for student demonstrations. The museum is systematically arranged with dissected specimens of various regions of the human body, skeletons, models, and high-quality charts for learning. The department also has a bone bank, issuing bones to individual students for detailed analysis and study purposes. The histology lab is well-equipped with high-quality microscopes and slides of various tissues and organs.

The goal of the Anatomy Department is to provide value-based education to students, nurturing them to become competent professionals who can contribute to the advancement of our society with dedication and passion.


Dr. Shanmughasundaram
Dr. Shanmughasundaram

Professor and Head of Department

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Ms. Manju Manoharan
Ms. Manju Manoharan


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Ms. Nima M Kalapura
Ms. Nima M Kalapura


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