To become warp and woof to create compassionate empathetic dental professionals.
- To generate a strong knowledge in basic medical sciences.
- To build up their future by integrating interdisciplinary teaching learning methods.
- To develop genre of novel professionals with social commitment and medical ethics.
- To motivate research aptitude by implementing skill-based programs.
The department housed at the second floor in the main building, which consists of physiology & hematology laboratory, clinical examination room, faculty room and department library. Department of physiology offers general human physiology subjects for students in both BDS and MDS courses, provides guidance and facilities for PhD research and MDS dissertation.
Human physiology is a core disciplinary area in medical and life sciences, aims to understand the mechanism of living things from the basics of cell function at ionic and molecular level to the integrated behavior of the whole body. It is the scientific exploration of the various functions like biophysical, biochemical and mechanical properties of humans, their organs and their constituent cells.
Major responsibilities of department are: -
- Conducting theory and practical classes for MDS and BDS students.
- Providing guidance and facilities for PhD. research and MDS projects.
- Organize seminars/ conferences/workshops for students.
- Conducting research projects in collaboration with students.