

The Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) at St.Gregorios Dental College (SGDC) addresses genuine problems and complaints from students and staff, promoting a fair and consistent resolution system.

The GRC aims to develop a responsive attitude and strengthen campus harmony.

Grievances are categorized as internal, academic, or general, handled respectively by the Internal Complaint Committee (ICC), Academic Monitoring Cell (AMC), and IQAC.


  • Opportunity for the stakeholders to express their grievances/problems/dissatisfaction.
  • To take appropriate actions and ensure that promises are kept.
  • To prevent minor disagreements developing into more serious disputes.
  • Advising students to respect the right and dignity of one another.
  • Boosts morale and emotional security.
  • Helps maintain cordial relationship.
  • To provide easy accessibility to all the grievances for an immediate grievance redressal

Members of Grievance Redressal Committee

Name Designation
Dr. Mathew M Alani Chair person
Ms. Nima M Kalapura Convenor
Dr. Sanjith P Salim Teaching staff
Dr. Sauganth Paul MV SSGP Nodal Officer
Mr. Jeff Jacob Mathews Union Chairman
Mr. Amal A Union General Secretary
Mr. Frank Shibu UUC UG
Dr. Sunil UUC PG
Mr. Mathews Jacob PTA President
Fr. Benny Varghese Warden (Boys hostel)
Sr. Elphese Warden (Girls hostel 1)
Sr. Kezia Warden (Girls hostel 2)


Type of Complaints under the GRC


Students are encouraged to use the suggestion boxes and may also express their grievances and suggestions online by filling out the form below. At the same time, the Grievance Redressal Committee assures students that once a complaint is made, it will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.


Complaint Form