Oral Path Day - Diagnosis The Crucial Step
CDE Programs

CDE Programs

Oral Path Day - Diagnosis The Crucial Step

  • Date of Event: 28-02-2024
  • Event Venue: College Auditorium

The post-event report of Dr. Tina Elizabeth Jacob's oral pathology diagnostics workshop emphasises how important it was to improve participants' diagnostic skills and patient care. Through his comprehensive lecture, Dr. Tina effectively polished attendees' diagnostic skills by clarifying the histological, radiological, and clinical components of disorders related to oral pathology. Her focus on evidence-based differential diagnosis techniques gave participants a thorough framework for assessing various oral pathology presentations. In addition, the workshop promoted a more profound comprehension of the application of diagnostic instruments, cultivating participants' competence in utilising technology for accurate diagnosis. In addition to encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration, Dr. Tina's skill and captivating presentation motivated participants to apply newly acquired knowledge to their clinical practice, which eventually enhanced patient management techniques and healthcare results.

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