Digital Dentistry: Revolutionizing Prosthodontic Treatment Planning And Fabrication
CDE Programs

CDE Programs

Digital Dentistry: Revolutionizing Prosthodontic Treatment Planning And Fabrication

  • Date of Event: 17-01-2024
  • Event Venue: College Auditorium

In honour of Prosthodontist Day, the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge hosted a Continuing Dental Education (CDE) programme on January 17, 2024. The program's main focus was on the revolutionary effects of digital dentistry on prosthodontic treatment planning and fabrication. The department head, Dr. George Francis, led the discussion, which focused on the development and uses of digital technologies in prosthodontics. The seminar, which was attended by faculty members and postgraduate students from the prosthodontics department, offered insights into workflow integration, CAD/CAM procedures, and digital imaging. Dr. George described how the use of digital dentistry improves accuracy, productivity, and patient-specific solutions throughout the planning and creation of treatment plans. The course emphasised how crucial it is for prosthodontists to adopt new technologies in order to improve patient care and clinical practice. After attending, attendees had a better awareness of how digital tools are transforming prosthodontic practices and were able to expand their knowledge and skill set for future use.

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