Ethics In Dental Practice
CDE Programs

CDE Programs

Ethics In Dental Practice

  • Date of Event: 03-06-2023
  • Event Venue: College Auditorium

A CDE programme called Ethics in Dental Practice took place on May 3, 2023, at St. Gregorios Dental College. The program's objective was to examine moral conundrums and difficulties from the viewpoint of new postgraduate students that dentists encounter on a daily basis in their practice. The seminar's goal was to encourage practitioners to have cross-border ethical conversations by using case studies. Participants were able to exchange best practices as a result. Dr. Binnoy Kurian, a well-known orthodontist from Kochi, is the head of the department of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics. He talked on how morality might be applied to dentistry using the four moral principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, fairness, and patient autonomy. 

Furthermore, he noted that this seminar featured recommendations on how to address some of the more challenging dental ethics issues, such informed consent, in addition to offering deep insights into challenging subjects. He went into considerable depth about the potential legal ramifications for breaking ethical rules as a dentist. He accomplished this by examining pertinent legal frameworks and actual cases of what occurs to businesspeople—or perhaps I should say, "professionals""—who engage in unethical behaviour. In other parts of the curriculum, students would conduct group discussions using hypothetical situations in which they might play dentists and offer peer-to-peer mentorship while figuring out how to resolve such moral quandaries.

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