Talk On Code Of Conduct
CDE Programs

CDE Programs

Talk On Code Of Conduct

  • Date of Event: 17-03-2021
  • Event Venue: Online

The Talk on Code of Conduct was conducted for the undergraduate students, postgraduate students and staff on 17.03.2021 by the Ethical Committee at the college auditorium with the aim of promoting a deeper understanding and adherence to ethical guidelines and standards in the professional sphere, particularly within the realm of technology and coding. The event focused around a talk on the importance, principles, and application of codes of conduct in various professional settings. The Head of the Department of Periodontics, Dr. Anila S began with an introductory session explaining the concept and significance of a code of conduct. The event's goals were effectively attained, and attendees left with insightful knowledge on communication techniques. The program also emphasised the value of good communication in dental practice and give dental practitioners the resources and methods they need to become more fluent in language. Furthermore, the talk digged into the fundamental principles that develop a robust code of conduct, such as integrity, respect, accountability, and transparency. These principles were discussed in the backdrop of their application to real-world scenarios. The event fostered interactive discussions wherein attendees were motivated to share their perspectives, experiences, and insights regarding code of conduct implementation and challenges in various professional settings. This interactive component cleared the way for peer learning and knowledge exchange.

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