When Do I Brace My Kid?
CDE Programs

CDE Programs

When Do I Brace My Kid?

  • Date of Event: 20-11-2020
  • Event Venue: Seminar Hall

‘WHEN DO I BRACE MY KID?’, the CDE program conducted at St. Gregorios Dental College on 20.11.2020 provided dental students with insights into the timing of orthodontic treatment for pediatric patients. The event aimed to enhance students' understanding of the factors influencing orthodontic intervention in children and to prepare them for future clinical practice. The program was attended by the undergraduate students of First year, Second year and Third year from St. Gregorios Dental College. By incorporating expert presentations, clinical case studies, and interactive learning activities, the event successfully enhanced students' understanding of orthodontic principles and prepared them for future clinical practice. Feedback was collected from the students and they found the lecture to be informative and relevant to their future practice. Many expressed a desire for more interactive sessions and case-based learning opportunities in future lectures.

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