College Day
Student Activities

Student Activities

College Day

  • Date of Event: 29-05-2024

The biggest event of the year annual year celebration of the college was conducted with all its glory on 29th may 2024 in the college auditorium.

The event started with official function in which various dignitaries were present incuding his grace… and managing committee of the college. And the event was inagurated by chief guest of the day mr.rafeeq ahamed , famous lyricist and poet and cine artist dr. Aiswarya .

The function started with prayer followed by welcome speech by the principal, speech by chairman, and felicitations by various dignitaries. A muscial event as a tribute was conducted by music club for the chief guest mr.rafeeq ahmed. The event was inagurated by the chief guest by lightening the lamp.

Great acheivement of the year ,collgege magazine “effulgence” was also published by the chief guest . Chief magazine editor ms.snigdha jayaraj delivered her speech after magazine release. College journal club (ijo) was inagurated following the magazine award ceremony was also conducted to appreciate the acheivements of various students in competitions held in and out of the college and also for academic excellence. Vote of thanks was delivered by union advisor dr. Allu baby.

Following the official function cultural events by dance club of the college and various batches were conducted.the event ended with a band performance and dinner by around 10.00pm.

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